Terms and Conditions

Desire2Win Mind-set Transformation (MT) Ltd

Mission Statement: Desire2Win MT is an emotional health and well-being initiative whose objective is to support children and young people who lack self-confidence and motivation and live with limiting beliefs and for parents who are finding it difficult to form a healthy and constructive relationship with their children. We aim to help young people break poor patterns and self-destructive thinking, understand and uncover the causes of negative repeated behaviours, and decode the past's emotionally harmful and unconscious algorithm that keeps them stuck and prevents self-improvement and progression. And to expose the illusion of thoughts.

 This document provides the terms and conditions and privacy policy for the training initiative and service provision by Desire2Win MT™, hereinafter referred to as ‘The Platform’. You must read and agree to these Terms and Conditions prior to using any part of the Platform. The Platform includes but is not limited to websites, social media platforms, mobile apps, videos, blogs, brochures, telephone correspondence and conferences, digital products, online forums, and other resources. Using any of these resources or others associated with the trade name Desire2Win MT™ constitutes the use of the Platform. By using the website/Platform and by registering with us this constitutes your agreement to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions do not use the Platform. Your accessing, browsing or using this website/ platform constitutes your agreement to all terms, conditions, and notices, and any changes to the terms and conditions.


We Do Not Provide Medical/Mental Health Advice

The Information that you obtain or receive from Desire2Win MTits employees, contractors, partners, sponsors, advertisers, licencors or otherwise on the website/ Platform is for informational purposes only. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THE WEBSITE/ PLATFORM IS NOT INTENDED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR, NOR DOES IT REPLACE, PROFESSIONAL MENTAL HEALTH ADVICE, DIAGNOSIS, OR TREATMENT. DO NOT DISREGARD, AVOID OR DELAY OBTAINING MENTAL HEALTH ADVICE FROM A QUALIFIED HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU MAY HAVE READ ON THIS WEBSITE. DO NOT USE THIS WEBSITE FOR EMERGENCY MENTAL HEALTH NEEDS. IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE EXPERIENCING A MENTAL HEALTH. YOUR USE OF INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS WEBSITE/ PLATFORM IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. NOTHING STATED OR POSTED ON THIS WEBSITE/ PLATFORM OR AVAILABLE THROUGH ANY SERVICES IS INTENDED TO BE, AND MUST NOT BE TAKEN TO BE, THE PRACTICE OF MENTAL HEALTH CARE OR THE PROVISION OF MENTALHEALTH CARE. We do not recommend or endorse any specific tests, mental health professionals, procedures, opinions, or other information that may appear that may be taken to be professional advice. If you rely on any of the Information provided by the website/ platform, you do so solely at your own risk.

Desire2Win MT™ website/platform is made available to you to provide you with general information about us, our business, and any products or services that we offer from time to time. We do not make our website/ platform available for any other purposes, except as expressly provided in these Terms and Conditions. The content on our website/platform is not intended to be construed as advice. You must not rely on any of the content of our website/platform for the purpose of providing advice. The website is simply for providing general information, not advice. You must seek your own independent professional advice before deciding to take any course of action on the basis, whether in whole or in part, of any of the content available on our website at any time.


Availability of the website

Desire2Win MT™ makes no representations and provides no warranties that:

  • the website will be made available at any specific time or from any specific geographical location;

  • your access to the website will be continuous or uninterrupted; or

  • the website will be accessible or optimized on all browsers, computers, tablets, phones or viewing platforms.

We reserve the right to suspend access to all or part of the website for any reason, including for business or operational reasons, such as improving the appearance or functionality of the website, content updates, periodic maintenance, or to resolve any issues that we become aware of. Wherever we anticipate that we need to suspend access to the website for a considerable period, we will try to provide you with prior notice where reasonably practicable.

Intellectual Property

 Desire2Win MTretains all rights, including copyrights, trademarks, and patents. As well as any intellectual property rights concerning all the training provided online and in person. You may not copy, download, publish, distribute or reproduce any training materials without the agreement of the Executive Director. The use of the materials is not for commercial gain.

Third-Party Products & Materials Used

The Desire2Win MT™ Training material contains products from third parties and is obligated to acknowledge not being the owner of such materials.

Desire2Win MT™  make no representations and provide no warranties whatsoever, whether express or implied, that any of the content or materials available on its website from time to time are accurate, up to date or complete.

Age Requirements

You must be at least 15 years old to use the Desire2Win website/ platform.

Permission by Parent or Guardian.

If you are under 18, you represent that you have your parent or guardian’s permission to use the website/ platform. Please have them read this Agreement with you.

If you are a parent or legal guardian of a user under the age of 18, by allowing your child to use the website/ platform, you are subject to the terms of this Terms and Conditions and responsible for your child’s activity on the website/ platform.

Exclusion of Limitations of Liabilities 

The client will be given a seven (7) day cooling-off period to change their mind after payment has been made. This cooling-off period does not include sponsorship or funders.

Desire2Win MT™ will not take responsibility for any cancellations from the client and will not be responsible for any refund of payment made after that period. Desire2Win MT™ is liable to return the remuneration to the client if we cancel without prior notice; and are unable to provide an alternative or a scheduled provision for any reason, apart from an unexpected chronic illness, accident, or death. In this case, there will be an option with the agreement from both parties to reschedule.


Upon a request by Desire2Win MT™, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless us, our employees, contractors, officers, directors, agents, parents, other affiliated companies, and suppliers, from all liabilities, claims, demands and expenses, including attorney’s fees, made by any third party that arise from or are related to (a) your access to the website/ platform, (b) your use of the services of the platform, or (c) the violation of these Terms and Conditions by you or any third party using your credentials of any intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity. The foregoing indemnification obligation does not apply to liabilities, claims and expenses arising as a result of our own gross negligence or intentional misconduct.


Desire2Win MT will not be liable for the choices participants make within the course of training and beyond. Desire2Win MT will not give advice but will provide knowledge and strategies on how participants can think positively and support their emotional and well-being, by conducting mindfulness and parental support training within a therapeutic atmosphere. Participants can then make productive and realistic choices, to create a better way of living for themselves and their families.

 Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in these Terms and Conditions is intended to limit any rights you might have as a customer, neither under applicable local law or other statutory rights that may not be excluded nor in any way to exclude or limit our liability to you for any death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.


Desire2Win MT™ will operate as a single entity. Still, it looks to conduct its programme by forming relationships with suitable organisations, institutions, charities, establishments, projects, and recognised groups that cater to vulnerable young adults, parents, and families.

A framework will be drawn up, showing what the goal of the relationship is. This will set out what role each entity will play. Both will decide on the expected outcomes that will be monitored by the customer and delivered by Desire2Win MT™.

After Care Conditional Service

Participants will be given established professional links to other services supporting their progression after the Desire2Win MT™ training.  These Terms and Conditions also apply to those services that constitute platform use.


 Desire2Win MT™ agrees to keep all conversations and information provided private and confidential, as allowable by law. No personal information will be shared with anyone without express permission. Exceptions may be made if there is an imminent threat of serious injury to oneself or someone else.

 Desire2Win MT will not share personal details about participants except for safeguarding purposes, and this will first be discussed and be in agreement with the customer's policies on safeguarding. 

Storage, Length of time, and removal 

Desire2Win MT™ there will be an agreement at the commencement of the programme with the customer regarding the storage of participants' information. The only information required by Desire2Win MT™ is the name of the participant, contact number/s, emailing address, and status: employed, unemployed, student, or parent. An authentic ID is necessary when participants enter the programme and will not be stored or copied. We will also require an emergency contact. 

 Aftercare Service

 Desire2Win MT™with the agreement from the customer, will only keep participants' records who are 18 years and above for at least one month for the Aftercare Service. After that month, participants can, if they wish, request the removal of their information, and we will remove their file immediately. Storage will then become a maximum of eleven months for those wishing follow-up and references. 

Participants have a right to ask 

 Desire2Win MT™ will provide information that is stored and a copy if so requested via email. This service is free. Participants can request an update or amendment to their file at any time.

Participants' files will not be viewed by or subject to the request of any Third Party.

If participants have any other queries regarding their file not mentioned in these terms and conditions, they can send their request via email to Admin at: info@desire2win.com


The validity, construction and performance of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the England and Wales courts to which the parties submit. However, in the event of a disagreement between the parties, the matter must first be referred to mediation before the commencement of any claim.

2024 | Eyvonne Black | Founder and Director | +44 7377 722013