Value Yourself, You Can Change Your Name

“When you have a healthy sense of worth, you value other people. You know who you are, which means you accept others as they are” - Iyanla Vanzant.

Children are like sponges soaking up or accepting anything said about them. They allow their parents and anyone close to tell them who they are, giving others total control of their identity, good or bad.

Abused children are not always aware until they meet with the outside world. They realise the treatment they have been experiencing was not normal and could suffer from emotional instability later on. If that happens, the scars of destructive behaviour will appear and may continue into adulthood. The child grows into an individual who can become bitter with an uncontrollable criminal mind.

In one of her video series, Manifesting True Success, Oprah Winfrey states, “You are the choices you make. Every choice [you make] defines you”.

Here, I believe Oprah was saying every choice you make has your name on it. Your painful experiences can either cause you to become bitter or better. You can stop the cycle of abuse and deny the negative statements said about you, and choose to move on with a better state of mind. Some abused children grow into parents that decide to become better. They think less about their past experiences and move on, and form better attachments with their children. They support them through school and college until they see the beginnings of a bright and productive future. You have a choice of who you identify yourself to be and with whom you decide to associate.

It is not easy to think one way and act another way. Deepak Chopra states, “When mind, body, and spirit are instinct, life becomes a symphony and every moment, a unique and powerful note”.

By the age of 12 years, children begin to define their identity. They reach an emotional and physical stage where they distinguish authority in two ways. While some choose to respect authority, others will challenge it to the extent of marring their name and progress by obtaining a criminal record.

1 Corinthians 15:33 (NWT) states "Do not be misled; bad associations spoil useful habits”. However, children are not born with bad intentions. Their environment sometimes leads them to think destructively and they act accordingly. In my line of work, I come across disaffected children and am grateful for the opportunity to influence and support them in creating better habits and a productive lifestyle. I help them recognise, their past does not have to affect their future prospects. It is their choice to change the course of action. Many children (16-18) who believe there is no hope because of their past undesirable experiences and behaviour tend to act out, allowing their mind to stay on autopilot, not realising they can step off the path to destruction and choose a different direction. James Allen writes in As a Man Thinketh, “A man [person] is literally, what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts”. I believe, when young people are supported to value themselves and encouraged to think of their possibilities they will develop an ‘I Can’ state of mind and take ownership and responsibility of who they are and what they can become.

Deepak Chopra states, “Don't put your mind on autopilot; use your mind creatively, and you will experience a life of abundance”.

It's all about YOU!

You choose your name and your future, whether you decide or not, to place it in God's hands. You will make decisions to promote you to success or bring you to your downfall!

You can have a great name and leave a legacy and be in control of who you say you are. John Kanary writes in Breaking through Limitations “You must think, feel and act like the person you wish to become”.  He later implies “You don't get what you want, you get what you are”.

You can change your name that does not mean by deed poll, but by your conduct, how you treat others and showing gratitude.   

Those guided by scripture, and recognise that there is a Supernatural Power beyond themselves, can tap into that power for a greater advantage for change. If you now feel ready to change your name by adapting a new character and adopting a positive attitude and lifestyle, you can. The scripture at Prov. 23:7 (AMP) states, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”

Your name is already changed if you think it. Now live it!


The Bible: Various Translations and Versions used: NWT ~ New World Translation. Iyanla Vanzant - Quote. Oprah Winfrey - 'Manifesting True Success videos'. Deepak Chopra - 'Manifesting True Success videos'. John Kanary - 'Breaking Through Limitations'. James Allen - As a Man Thinketh.


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The Importance of Feminine Role Models in the Transformation of Children and Young People